Just a few weeks ago my neighbor and I were discussing the fact that we had not seen many Japanese Beetles yet this year. You know, the pretty green beetles that reduce your plants to skeletons? Clearly, we spoke too soon because it wasn’t long after our little talk that they swarmed into the neighborhood with a vengeance!
As all good mother’s do, I sent my son out to take care of the pests which were attacking my favorite Linden tree. Dutifully, my son trudged out to do my bidding armed with insecticide and a ladder. I was delighted to see the swarm of beetles fleeing the tree and falling to the ground in utter chaos as he gleefully sprayed the bugs.
Don’t do it!
In the midst of the cacophonous swarm, my son held his ground. The beetles flowed over him, pelting him like a hailstorm. Then he saw it – the beetle that would change the day from unpleasant to something more sinister. Something drew his eyes to one beetle out of the bunch. A sudden wave of realization flooded his mind. With the smallest shake of his head he said to the bug, “Don’t do it.” The beetle, however, with a defiant look in its eye that seemed to shout, “Imma do it!” had made up its mind. In slow motion the insect made a direct route. Something like amazement mixed with horror had my son frozen. He stood grasping the ladder, mouth agape. This would be his biggest mistake. The bug, spurred on by fury or maybe just spite, flew directly into his mouth!
My son managed to gracefully exit the ladder sputtering and spitting while declaring all-out war on his newfound enemy. Next year he takes no prisoners vowing total annihilation. I laugh every time I think about the story now, but ultimately, the lesson is this: It is dangerous to underestimate an opponent (especially one with nothing to lose), and ….bugs are gross!
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